

1.    活動時間 : 2012/08/29 ~ 2012/08/30
2.    活動地點 : 花蓮有機農場及天主教安德幼稚園


Green from the Grassroots

BLOOMINGTON – Much is riding on the United Nations Rio+20 summit. Many are billing it as Plan A for Planet Earth and want leaders bound to a single international agreement to protect our life-support system and prevent a global humanitarian crisis.

This illustration is by Paul Lachine and comes from <a href="http://www.newsart.com">NewsArt.com</a>, and is the property of the NewsArt organization and of its artist. Reproducing this image is a violation of copyright law.
Illustration by Paul Lachine
CommentsInaction in Rio would be disastrous, but a single international agreement would be a grave mistake. We cannot rely on singular global policies to solve the problem of managing our common resources: the oceans, atmosphere, forests, waterways, and rich diversity of life that combine to create the right conditions for life, including seven billion humans, to thrive.



王如玄主委宴請俄羅斯聖彼得堡婦女會(Women’s Union)會長

1.      聖彼得堡有兩百個婦女團體,各有不同性質,婦女會有兩千會員,提倡婦權。二戰期間聖彼得堡曾被德軍包圍九百天,沒有攻下。當時糧食缺乏,麵包採配給制,男人死了很多,存活下來多為女性,婦女會的主旨就在照顧孤寡。至今俄羅斯的女人仍比男人多一千一百萬。