
The Chinese Translation of the term "radical feminism"

       Yenlin Ku

         In the early 20th century the English word “radical” was translated to 激進” in Chinese and the term has been widely used ever since. As a result, “radical feminism” was translated to ”激進女性主義” in the 1970s. However, when it came to the 1990s, Fu Da-wei, a male history professor in Taiwan, argued that the translation should be switched to ”基進女性主義” , because the root of the English word “radical” is “root”. ”” (meaning “basic” and ”fundamental”) in Chinese implies that change should come from the bottom. Many academics quickly replaced 激進” with ”基進”. However, fundamentalism connotes a sense of strict adherence to the literal interpretation of scripture. In that case, 基進is poles apart from the critical and revolutionary nature of ”激進.


      Furthermore, “基進”, a newly coined term, is unfamiliar to the majority of Chinese readers. Some consider it a purely academic usage. On the other hand, “激進” is popular and easy to understand. With its radical(部首) “water”, “” pictures the splash and turbulence when fast flowing water runs into obstruction. The image of splashing and turbulent water reminds me of the vigorous and passionate struggle of the young feminists in the 1970s. Besides, “激進” also means complete and progressive changes.


從研究「婦女」到女性主義觀點研究:一探婦女研究在台灣的發展脈絡 From Studying "Women" to Feminist Studies-- Women's Studies in Taiwan

 台北女書店20211113日線上研討會 On-line conference by fembooks in Taipei


   1.    獨立新學門或整合入傳統學門(autonomous vs integrated



主張發展獨立的學術領域的人認為婦研需要自己的理論、方法論和方法,若加入傳統學術領域,婦女成為一個研究變項,將無法改變既有的理論、方法論和方法,一個常用的比喻是”add women and stir”,好像做蛋糕,多加一個配料,讓口味更豐富一點而已,無法產生深刻的改變,無法生產新的知識。