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  不僅需要調整步調,我也想改變自己的寫作風格,輕鬆一點,閒適一點,更多一點生活,多一點感覺。渴望有自己的部落格,不被字數、時尚、市場、刊物風格、主編好惡綁住。大部分是為自己寫吧,也為了分享,至於未來,就交給上天了。 email: yenlinku@mail2000.com.tw


“Sex” and “Gender” in Taiwan (Part I) 2018-2020 不只是中翻英的問題  不只是中翻英的問題



  我乃於2019720日致信行政院羅政務委員秉成等,反映性平處網站有關消歧公約(CEDAW)3次國家報告審查會議之中文翻譯可能未掌握國際委員建議之重點,亦即目前在台灣對於"生理性別"和"社會性別"的概念和實際上的使用都有所偏誤(the inappropriate conceptual and practical use of the terms“sex”and gender”in Taiwan)(官方譯文漏掉在台灣)而需要「檢視法律及政策文件,予以修正」。國際委員們特別指出在台灣使用不當是很嚴肅而具體的表達,略去台灣便失去焦點,而使得委員會的結論和建議無法被理解和有效執行。


  可惜本次會議為閉門會議,並未邀請最初提案之民間團體,以致無法完整呈現各種不同觀點,亦未慎重檢視審查委員的建議,也忽略了聯合國對於性別定義的多次正式討論和決議,最後將問題簡化為名詞英的誤差,而決議由性平處提供有關「性」與「性別」英文檢視原則,性平處的作法是提供了名詞中翻英之對照表,卻未同時提供英翻中之對照表,結果將國際委員所稱的"sex and gender"中的”sex”完全消除了,統一將所有法規和公文中之性別都翻譯為”gender”。惟”gender”除了可以是「社會性別」(或「心理性別」)之外,亦是一個更廣泛、抽象的類別(如宗教、年齡),不涉及個體,許多法規的英文原譯"the sexes”明指男女;改為"gender”以後所指不清。(例如:An employer shall under no condition discriminate between the sexes in the payment of wages. 被改為An employer shall under no condition discriminate between the gender in the payment of wages. 原文為 勞動基準法第 25條: 雇主對勞工不得因性別而有差別之待遇 。工作相同 、 效率相同者,給付同等之工資。)





親愛的,我們在台灣把女人變不見了 The Magic of Disappearing Women in Taiwan (Sex and Gender in Taiwan Part I)

「生理性別」與「社會性別」的國家討論  Discussions on the Definition of  Sex and Gender at the National Level, 2018-2020 (Part 1)

The series of discussions on the definition and usage of  "sex" and "gender" in national policies in Taiwan initiated by NGOs at the Review and Presentation of the ROC (Taiwan) CEDAW 3rd National Report in July, 2018 was conducted in the following order.
1. The Association of HIV/AIDS and Child Care and 3 other NGOs urged the government to use "sex" and "gender" according to CEDAW's definition and should not leave out women.
2. The CEDAW International Review Committee (IRC) suggested the government to review and correct the use of "sex" and "gender" in "all the legislative texts and policy documents and promote correct understanding of these terms in line with CEDAW".
(The IRC specifies that "The term “sex” refers to "biological differences between men and women" .See 2. in the following.)
3. The Executive Yuan issued commands to all government agencies to review and correct the use of "sex" and "gender", but the wording was too vague for people to understand. (I witnessed the cofusion at official meetings.) 
4. I wrote to the Executive Yuan to point out that in the official Chinese translation of the IRC's Recommendations the critical word of "Taiwan" is missing  ("the inappropriate conceptual and practical use of the terms 'sex' and 'gender' in Taiwan") and that instructions given by the Executive Yuan were unclear. 
5. The Executive Yuan replied and  promised to make corrections.
6. The Department of Gender Equality under the Executive Yuan called for a closed-door "expert" meeting (to which none of the initial NGOs was invited), in which it was decided that there was no inappropriate conceptual and practical use of the terms 'sex' and 'gender' in Taiwan. The IRC's misunderstanding was caused by translation.

7. The Executive Yuan issued a guidline of Chinese to English translation regarding "gender" to all government agencies, demanding that "all the legislative texts " should be revised accordingly. No definition was given, but a list of gender-related English and Chinese terms were placed side by side. The English word "sex" disappeared.

 1. 民間團體發言,要求政府正確使用"生理性別"及"社會性別",不應以定義不明的"多元性別"取代消歧公約中的男女

聯合國和行政院性平會官網上的sex and gender

「生理性別」與「社會性別」的國家討論相關文件  On Sex and Gender at the National Level--references (Sex and Gender in Taiwan   Part I)

聯合國CEDAW官網對sex 及 gender均有清楚定義,簡言之,sex為生理性別,gender為社會性別。二者有時交替使用,或用sex or gender表示,泛指男女性別。

聯合國中文官網和行政院性平會官網對於sex 的翻譯未能前後一致,有時譯為「性別」,有時譯為「性」,而造成誤解。

在兩個官網中,性別平等=兩性平等=女男平等       sex譯為性別


